i find it interesting that the purple-y version of greyscale used for cass’s home world matches grey’s palette. I wonder if that’s intentional and says anything about grey’s personality.
No words but Grey just emptied a dictionary of NO! all over the park. “Are you coming back quietly and with dignity? Or am I gonna pick you up by the scruff of your hoodie and carry you back?”
And ish just got real
i find it interesting that the purple-y version of greyscale used for cass’s home world matches grey’s palette. I wonder if that’s intentional and says anything about grey’s personality.
No words but Grey just emptied a dictionary of NO! all over the park. “Are you coming back quietly and with dignity? Or am I gonna pick you up by the scruff of your hoodie and carry you back?”
This is also on Grey. Does he not know about translation enchantment?
I’m sure he does. And will have rude words with Jiri when he gets back. But for now Grey is not going back without Cassidy.
Grey’s never been to Earth, he doesn’t know how magic works~
I love grey is basically like “oh. she wants me to LEAVE. hahah no”
Why are YOU here?
Get out of my life.
I didn’t need your help.