But worry not my friends. for when one story ends another begins.
As it always shall be, life is a many number of pages of countless chapters that is of innumerable books. there is always a good story to read, you just have to look, and to listen.
“If there’s anything I’ve learned since I got here, It’s that life is hard. It knocks you down. Sometimes hard enough, You’re not sure it’s worth getting back up. I can’t say your problems will vanish. But I’ll say this, It’s easier with friend’s. Because everyone suffers. Everyone knows how hard it is. I promise, someone knows how hard it is. And wants to help. We want to help each other. It feels good to help each other. So, the next time life knocks you down, remember. For every Winter, there is a Spring. Stay strong.” – Cass …..Yes I went back and copied down the message….I had too XD
Your comic was amazing, I have no other word. I’m sooo glad I stumbled on it few months ago. It is now sitting proudly in my library at home next to all my other books and I’ve read it countless times already! I’m really sad it is over but it is actually great that you wrapped up the story like that and didn’t make it drag for too long. So a big thank you Meaghan for these wonderful moments with Cass, Grey and all the others and I can’t wait to see your next project! See you soon!! Carole x
Thank you Take off….you will stay in my Webcomic bookmark tab till the end of time. Thanks for the awesome story! This is actually the first webcomic I’ve ever finished and it was AWESOME!!! DX (tears of joy)
*snif* well it was good while it lasted *salutes* we were the ones to survive! (‘^’)7 go back to your families and enjoy your youth. It was an honor fighting along you. XD sorry trying to soften the fall :/
A fairly enjoyable end, even if 20 pages back — when it was announced that the comic would be ending — it seemed impossible for the story to end so soon. Would of loved to see the characters and world get fleshed out a bit more, but I suppose it can’t be helped. Such a nice story.. sad to see it go!
Just finished catching up… I am able to finish up the journey with you and I am sooo glad. This is the only webcomic that has ever made me nearly cry. You are such an amazing and gifted story teller and I so enjoy the opportunity to walk through the final pages with everyone. Your art and wording are spectacular, and you have created characters that I adore, no matter how much they mess up. Thank you so much for sharing this story with us.
You guys think it’s sad right now? It’s ten times sadder when you read the whole narrated ending with the music.
My heart….
Yours is the best icon.
This is gonna be my icon for a loooong time XD
And thus the story ends.
But worry not my friends. for when one story ends another begins.
As it always shall be, life is a many number of pages of countless chapters that is of innumerable books. there is always a good story to read, you just have to look, and to listen.
…But what do we do now?
“If there’s anything I’ve learned since I got here, It’s that life is hard. It knocks you down. Sometimes hard enough, You’re not sure it’s worth getting back up. I can’t say your problems will vanish. But I’ll say this, It’s easier with friend’s. Because everyone suffers. Everyone knows how hard it is. I promise, someone knows how hard it is. And wants to help. We want to help each other. It feels good to help each other. So, the next time life knocks you down, remember. For every Winter, there is a Spring. Stay strong.” – Cass …..Yes I went back and copied down the message….I had too XD
Your comic was amazing, I have no other word. I’m sooo glad I stumbled on it few months ago. It is now sitting proudly in my library at home next to all my other books and I’ve read it countless times already! I’m really sad it is over but it is actually great that you wrapped up the story like that and didn’t make it drag for too long. So a big thank you Meaghan for these wonderful moments with Cass, Grey and all the others and I can’t wait to see your next project! See you soon!! Carole x
Thank you Take off….you will stay in my Webcomic bookmark tab till the end of time. Thanks for the awesome story! This is actually the first webcomic I’ve ever finished and it was AWESOME!!! DX (tears of joy)
So sad!! But happy! Conflicting emotions!!!
I’ve been following Take Off for a while now Meaghan and I can’t thank you enough.
I’m kind of cursing you for making me tear up right now but I still love what you have done. I will be a fan for life.
Time to go back and read it from the front!
*snif* well it was good while it lasted *salutes* we were the ones to survive! (‘^’)7 go back to your families and enjoy your youth. It was an honor fighting along you. XD sorry trying to soften the fall :/
Thank you for Take Off. It was great. See you Monday.
A fairly enjoyable end, even if 20 pages back — when it was announced that the comic would be ending — it seemed impossible for the story to end so soon.
Would of loved to see the characters and world get fleshed out a bit more, but I suppose it can’t be helped. Such a nice story.. sad to see it go!
That… oh my God, I wasn’t ready. Thank you so much.
Just finished catching up… I am able to finish up the journey with you and I am sooo glad. This is the only webcomic that has ever made me nearly cry. You are such an amazing and gifted story teller and I so enjoy the opportunity to walk through the final pages with everyone. Your art and wording are spectacular, and you have created characters that I adore, no matter how much they mess up. Thank you so much for sharing this story with us.
This was such an awesome run, Meaghan! Congratulations on such an amazing story with super awesome characters! I look forward to Monday’s update!!!
You guys think it’s sad right now? It’s ten times sadder when you read the whole narrated ending with the music.
Thank you so much for this comic. I can’t believe it’s over! Literally, this is what made me get up every Monday.
Anyways, here’s a little fan art I made to show my gratitude:
Thank you so much!