Hey roosters! I’m going to be in Montreal this week to see my friend Tammy graduate from her army training (!!). Unfortunately, that means I won’t have the next page up this thursday.
Not wanting to leave you with nothing, I’ll probably run a quick silly comic. Anything you guys would like to see from/ask these stand up individuals of society?
how about some more chibi grey action?
even if it aint for kids it was awesome ^^
Hats off for the rooster girl. Great idea – just throw the jerk on the ground next to the trash can (where he belongs) and punched him in the face. Too bad Gray isn’t there to hold Kiki back.
Go rooster go rooster go! Kick that jerk face right in the face! And if your asking for a quick comic idea…baby grey would be adorable
Ha! He needs a giant skull-headed, lion-maned monster to fight his battles for him!
… Now that I think about it… What is he anyways? A chimera?
oh gosh, I feared the day this question would come.
Kiki was, originally, supposed to be a take on a hakutaku (http://www.obakemono.com/illos/hakutaku.gif). She was gonna be blue, fly with fire at her heels, horns on her sides. The whole set. The skull face was just my an excuse to get to draw a skull with a mane.
But as I started drawing (and coloring) the first few pages I dropped the horns and fire because, at the time, I couldn’t really draw it without it looking over-complicated and busy. And I couldn’t figure out a good blue shade for her on that loud-ass green background that would look good.
So I went simple. Kept the skull face, made a natural red-head with brown fur and figured Kiki would just be a ‘new mythical monster’ in comparison to all the old goodies (dragon, gryffin, pheonix).
Kiki is Kiki is what I’m trying to say :p
why’d you step in?
do you feel…
grateful of our dear rooster? e^e
or are you just trying to stop her so that giant…thing doesn’t step in and maul her? >_>;;
im going with…grateful on this one >_>;;
Oh shmit- GREY, WHERE ARE U!? ;__;
Ohhhh snap. Kiki looks angry. Song better grab Cass and high tail it @__@
Yeah I hope Grey shows up soon because Cass is about to become a Kiki chew toy–and now I’m really curious about how much of her reaction is her or Grey acting through her. We *don’t* know what the hurt was that Cass suffered to land her In Between, after all– we know the Four Heads chose her because she had the most chance to get through to him in his grief. What if the person she lost was hurt/killed as a result of a similarly antagonistic relationship as Song and Alexander have? Would make it perfectly understandable for Cass to freak out and attack him like that *on top* of having Grey’s anger flowing through her.
Actually, in the beginning it looked like her boyfriend cheated on her with some cherry chick and she smashed up his car. . . .I think that’s her pain, at least part of it.
I’m thinking if Grey gets there and sees Kiki hovering over Cass and still has not stopped mourning Goliath that there is going to be some serious hell to pay.
As fearsome as Kiki looks I think Grey might just destroy him if it comes down to it now.